Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology
Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology is the official Journal of JSPE and is published quarterly. Articles are
accepted for publication on the understanding that they contribute to the
progress of the field of clinical endocrinology and metabolism from infancy
through adolescence and that they have not been or will not be published
elsewhere except in an abstract form.
We would like to invite you to contribute a research article for publication
in CPE. As of December 2014, the entire submission and review process has
been transferred to an online system. Please go to the link and log in,
or create a new account for submission, if you do not have an account.

Message from Editor-in-Chief
We would like to invite you to contribute a research article for publication
in Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology.
Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology is the official Journal of the Japanese Society for Pediatric Endocrinology. This journal is a peer-reviewed online journal and published quarterly. Articles are accepted for publication on the understanding that they contribute to the progress of the multifaceted fields of basic, translational and clinical endocrinology and metabolism from infancy through adolescence and that have not been or will not be published elsewhere except in an abstract form.
This journal accepts both Original Articles and Case Report of significance in the field of pediatric endocrinology and metabolism, “Short communications” requiring rapid publication, “Mutation-in-brief” reporting a novel mutations and “letters to the Editor” pertaining to articles already published in Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology will also be accepted. We have a speedy reviewing and editorial decision system and pay a special attention to scientific and frequently-citable publication. Please go through the link for Instructions for Authors.
We look forward to receiving your submission.
Tatsuhiko Urakami M.D., Ph.D.
(Department of Pediatrics, Nihon University School of Medicine)